I went to an art museum with Liis on Friday. It was quite interesting there. We are sure now that few centuries ago painters either didn't see the difference between a man and a woman, were blind or just didn't know how to put the differences of a man and a women into art. And all women looked the same too. Interesting!
After the visit to the museum, i went to J's work office. He had to work a bit time and then we went to have a late lunch. We planned to go home by 7:20pm train, but we managed to miss it, so we ended up arriving at 10:30pm (it happens awfully lot lately).
On a train. I'm lovin' the lollipop J gave me :D
Thankfully we had no plans for Saturday (except Lizanna's 7th Pink Birthday!). J bought a pink shirt extra for that occasion! I was wearing my fav hot pink heels, black leggings (my current fav ones from Zara) and pink shirt. Birthday was fun:) J bought me my fav flowers - tulips. He said that it's Lizanna's birthday, but his Princess deserves flowers too. He's such a sweetheart! He and his big heart! Love him <3
Little things make my day shine!
Yesterday (Sunday) was nice too. I went to Tallinn with J and dad by car. Dad went to Finland, so the car stayed with me. J and i had a lunch at Lido and then we went to the movies to watch Just Go With It. Gosh, it was such a funny movie. I seriously haven't laughed so much for a long time. It was just really cute and hilarious :D
After the movie i drove back home. J had to stay in Tallinn coz he met up with his friend, did a little work stuff, went to bed and had to go to work very ealry this morning. I hope he can rest when he comes back tonight!:) Whenever he's away i miss him so much! It's just crazy. I love when he's with me. Even if he's in the other room watching tv or working while im doing my uni stuff. It's just such a great feeling knowing he's so near and i can just see his face and hear is voice whenever i want to!
"I may not hear every word you speak, but the sound of your voice is music to my ears."
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