Pariisi lennujaamas tagasilendu oodates ostsin ajaveetmiseks raamatu And the Mountains Echoed, mille autor on Khaled Hosseini. Kohe, kui seda lugema hakkasin, sain aru, et see on sama hea või isegi parem, kui ta eelmine raamat, mida lugesin (A Thousand Splendid Suns). Hosseini kirjutab väga kütksetavalt Afganistaani elust erinevatel perioodidel, läbi erinevate tegelaste silmade. Tema kirjeldused on huvitavad ning väga tõetruud. Teose sisu on temale omaselt väga omapäraselt ülesehitatud: palju tegelasi, kes ei tundu esialgu olevat omavahel seotud, kuid loo käigus selgub, miks autor nende tegelaste elust kirjutab, mis neid ühendab põhilooga. Sellist raamatut on tõeliselt lummav lugeda. Tema loodud tegelased on ka hästi erinevad ning tugeva karakterijoonega. Kuna autor kirjeldab väga põhjalikult, siis uskumatult lihtne on ettekujutada tegelase välimust, tema kodu jne. See teeb lugemise palju rikkalikumaks!
Lugu ise on 3.aastasest õest Parist ja tema 6.aastasest vennast Abdullahist, kes on üksteise jaoks kõige olulisemad inimesed maailmas. Kuna nende pere on vaene, siis isal ei jää muud üle, kui müüa Pari ühele rikkale Afganistaani perele. Pari kasvab üles unustades täielikult oma päris pere, oma venna. Ta elab teadmises, et ta rikkad vanemad ongi tema bioloogilised vanemad. Abdullah on löödud, temas on suur tühjus. Ta lubab endale, et ühel päeval ta leiab oma õe!
Kui Pari saab 10.aastaseks, siis ta kolib oma emaga Pariisi. Seal nad elavad tavalist elu, kui nii võib öelda. Kui Pari ema sureb, siis saab ta teada, et ta ema polnudkui ta bioloogiline ema. Hiljem saab ta teada ka, et tal on vend. Seejärel hakkavad talle meenuma killud tema lapsepõlvest, mil ta veel oma vennaga koos oli. Küsimus on, kas Paril õnnestub oma vend üles leida ja temaga kohtuda??
Loos oli tegelikult veel väga palju erinevaid liine, palju tegelasi. Lugu on kirjutatud tõeliselt kaasahaaravalt! Soovitan väga lugeda!
Loos oli tegelikult veel väga palju erinevaid liine, palju tegelasi. Lugu on kirjutatud tõeliselt kaasahaaravalt! Soovitan väga lugeda!
//And the Mountains Echoed was my second book from Khaled Hosseini that I read. The first one was A Thousand Splendid Suns and I loved it. I heard that And the Mountains Echoed was even better, so when we were in Paris airport waiting our flight back I bought this book and started reading. I love how the author really writes so interestingly that from the very beginning till the end you are really inside of the story, getting emotional, imagining all that happened ect. He describes so well life in Afghaistan and it almost feels like the story was true as well (but it's actully fiction). This book have so many storylines, lots of characters to keep up with. At first there're so many foregin Afghan names, so it's a bit confusing, but I got used to that quickly. I admire authors idea and capability of writing how so many different characters are connected at first you feel why is he now talking about that guy..who is he? And then soon you find out how he is connected to somebody you have already read about. It's crazy, but it makes reading so much fun! I also like that his stories go through different timeperiods.. It starts in 60s, then it's nowadays, there are also lots of flashbacks.
The story itself is about a brother (Abdullah) and sister (Pari) who are very keen on each other. Brother is 6 years old and he is like a father to his 3 y.o sister,taking care of him more than their actual father. But since the family is poor, their father sells daughter Pari to a rich family who can't have children. Father of course knows that Pari's life will be much better in that family and she could have better future. But Abdullah is so broken. When he is separated from his sister part of him dies.
Pari grows up, forgetting all about her real parents and brother. She moves to Paris with her mother and she grows up knowing she is her real mother, she has no siblings ect. But she always feels like part of her is missing, but she doesn't know what exactly. When her mother dies she finds out she wasn't her real mother..Pari is already old and when she finds out she has a brother she starts remembering bits and pieces from her childhood when he was still living with his real family. So, the question is can she find her bother and do they have a chance to meet?
The story has soooo much more storylines, so many other part of that story. It's truly amazing to read that masterpieces! I recommend highly!//

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