It's 9pm. I am already in my PJ (Jay's old T-shirt) and I am wearing these comfy socks that my besty Ana Elisa sent me for Christmas. From Mexico :) I think it's always so special to wear or use something that is from across the world! I actually got a package from Elisa today too! A Valetine's Day gift :) She sent me bunch of Mexican sweets!
I met mom in the Viru Shopping Center yesterday. We shopped a little bit. After that we had some donuts and went to the movies. We watched a movie Safe Haven that is made from Nicholas Sparks' book. I have read the book and I love it. The movie was very great too! Quite a bit different from the book... I am glad I read the book first because I had a better view of things that I thought were pretty neccesery to know. But yeah, overall the movie was very interesting and good! I also very liked the actors there!;)

Mom and I visited my greataunt's daughter's little baby today. She's sooo cute!
I first planned to stay overnight in Kohila tonight too, because there's Estonian Song Final today and I wanted to watch it with mom and others. But mom said she's going to her friend's birthday party and dad was in Finland and my younger sis wasn't home either. So, I decided to go back to Tallinn, to my apartment.
I made myself a good dinner and then I was watching some youtube videos. After that I read some blogs, listened to music, danced, did some workout and now I am blogging and getting ready to watch Estonian Song Final. Jay should come to skype soon to talk before he's going to work. I cannot wait till Tuesday when he comes home! I miss him!
By the way, my dream about spring is crashed! It started snowing today :/ Well, I know it'll eventually melt, but I cannot waiiitttt!!! I want sun and green grass and tulips and strawberries! Oh yeah! I'm craving for strawberries! I think I need to go to the foodshop tomorrow to buy different fruits!
But now I am going to the bed to watch TV, have some orange for latenight snack and to wait till Jay comes to skype:)
Wearing Jay's old T-shirt and comfy socks from Mexico :)
I am ready for tonight's final of Estonian Song!

Craving for strawberries and waiting for spring!
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