Okay, this crazy crazy week is getting nice turns. First of all, the exams are over! How awesome! I don't know the results yet though. Social psychology was quite hard:( But hey, let's hope for the best!
Yesterday after the exam Elise and i went to food shop and came to my place. We had lunch and we just talked and joked around. We watched Chasing liberty and then we decided to make a video. It was sooo fun!:D Later yesterday night we made on more video..but it didnt came out so cool coz we rushed and we were kinda tired:P
Last night we had like crazy fun fun. Seriously everything made us laugh.
Today has been pretty busy. We did preparations for my bday party :) It's 14:14 right now(ps make a wish!). The guests will come 16:00. So, we have a bit time..
I hope it's gonna be fun party :D :D
Im off to color my toe nails.LOL.
peace out ;)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
It's official!

So, today i woke up at 7:30am and wt i saw? SUN! It was sooo sunny and i instantly had a great mood! Seriously, it's impossible to be unhappy if sun is shining!!!!:D So, despite the fact that i had exam and i was a bit tired in the morning, i was super happy(never been that happy on exam day before.Lol). So, i arrived Tallinn in 10am which means i had 2 hours till the exam was about to start. I went to Solaris Center to get the costumer card i ordered. Then i went to Viru Shipping Center. I found super cool sunglasses. I didn't bought, but now im thinking i should have had. Next time ;)
Anyway, as i said exam was good.
I arrived back home 3:30pm, which means i even got to watch my fav telenovela En Nombre Del Amor. After that i practiced for tomorrow's English exam. I did listening tasks. I suck in listening :S
So, listning done, i watched Home and Away. And came back to the net to do some more English exercises. This time grammar and writing tasks. These went way better.
Now its almost 9pm. I think i should study for social-psychology coz i have its' exam on Thursday. I should also study for Development class's exam. Ugh, a lot to study. I cant wait till its all over. Wish me luck!
PS! I sooo hope it'll be sunny tomorrow :D
Now its almost 9pm. I think i should study for social-psychology coz i have its' exam on Thursday. I should also study for Development class's exam. Ugh, a lot to study. I cant wait till its all over. Wish me luck!
PS! I sooo hope it'll be sunny tomorrow :D
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I heart spring!!!

I seriously LOOOVVEEE spring! Amazing season! Although we still have snow walls here it's sunny! And that's the reason why i woke up 1,5 hours earlier today then i should have. SUN! I love it<3>to my place at 26th march:D yay! We will celebrate Valentines Day and have fun. She'll sleep over and then next day on Saturday im having my birthday party with my friends. Elise helps me to get ready with everything. Yay:) And on Sunday im going to Sweden with my family. Ohh, that sounds like a perfect week. If not only exams don't ruin anything!!! On 3rd April we'll have a party with our relatives and on 4th im having a party with my uni besties! They'll lseep over and so we'll go to uni next day together! Gosh, im so excited for all of this. I haven't had much time to relax and have fun lately. Can't believe it's all 11 days away! :)
Happy spring!

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