I seriously LOOOVVEEE spring! Amazing season! Although we still have snow walls here it's sunny! And that's the reason why i woke up 1,5 hours earlier today then i should have. SUN! I love it<3>to my place at 26th march:D yay! We will celebrate Valentines Day and have fun. She'll sleep over and then next day on Saturday im having my birthday party with my friends. Elise helps me to get ready with everything. Yay:) And on Sunday im going to Sweden with my family. Ohh, that sounds like a perfect week. If not only exams don't ruin anything!!! On 3rd April we'll have a party with our relatives and on 4th im having a party with my uni besties! They'll lseep over and so we'll go to uni next day together! Gosh, im so excited for all of this. I haven't had much time to relax and have fun lately. Can't believe it's all 11 days away! :)
Happy spring!

i <3 spring too!