Tuesday, October 27, 2009
weird dayy.
I guess sometimes we all have these days. Most of the time i have so great mood, im happy, everything is just soo good! So, i gotta accept this little change. Let's pray im back to normal tomorrow :)
It's fall break!I gotta take the best of it:D
Merikan left. She's going to Ireland for a year. But we'll see each other after christmas. She's coming home for a week.
Anywho, i got my scarf ready. And today i got my yearbook! Im pretty fine with everything there. No-one was telling anything bad about me:D haha
I got my creativity exam result back. I got it B . Im not really happy, but not really sad either. Im just okay with it. Like mom and Shawny said, its just the beginning. I've more and more exams coming.. i can prove myself then!
My mom's aunt called me a bit time ago. She was just asking how we are doing. And then she was asking how is my college.I told how much im loving it. And then BAM she was so negative about this whole thing. She said she wishes i didnt study education and she said that its very hard..I told that i very love it. I can't be more satisfied than i am. I dont regret my decision! She said that after i have had the practice at school she's sure im gonna change my speciality and im gonna study something else. NO! I will show her i'm not. I think I know what's BEST for me, not no-body else. She also added that my granny was so sad too that im studying such a hard thing.. coz students are nowadays so hard..But im not afraid. I've always wanted to become a teacher. All jobs are hard! I have nothing against challanges. I wanna prove them i can handle it. Now more than ever before i want to do this job even MOREEE!!! Ugh, i was just so pissed of. What was she thinking.Did she think im gonna change my speciality just coz she thinked it's not right for me?! It's my life and i know what i want to do it with it..
I promise i will prove myself and even if the job is hard i will NEVER complain...they can NEVER tell me: i told you so!
Ugh. I got it off my chest now. Lol.
I cant wait till friday. I really want to get out of Estonia and go to somewhere else. I need a change!
Oh!AND a good news. Shawny is going to London:) And Sharon and I are going there too. We first planned to go in August but now as Shawny goes in June we are going in June too so we can all meet each other :) So cool :) I cant wait!!!!
Ok, im going to watch OTH and have a cup of tea and cookies<3
Saturday, October 24, 2009
surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

Is it really THAT hard to keep a secret? Actually it's not a real secret.It's just a surprise. O'boy! Next week is going to be my dad's birthday, on friday. So, he will be in Finland at that time. Mom, me and my sis want to surprise him. Mom told him that she's going to Finland too and they will celebrate his birthday together there.But what dad doesnt know is that me and my sis are coming too! But my older sis, my granny and everybody else too have almost already ruined the surprise. But for some weird and LUCKY reason dad hasnt noticed. Thank god he always focuses on watching tv and doesnt even hear when u call his name like SOO loud! haha.
I hope we all can keep this lil secret few more days!
Anywho, today we celebrated dad's bday at home too..and also my older sister's leaving. She's going to Ireland on tuesday.
OMG!I have some great news. It's not all official and 100% sure yet, but if all goes as planned im going to meet Sharon upcoming summer:) yay! And the best part is that we are going to London!At least that's what we wanna! We have met in Belgium, then she came here in the summer, and last christmas i went to Holland. It would be fun to meet in a new place now. I've never been to London b4 so it would be super lux :) :D We DEFFO wanna meet! Gosh, i miss her! I cant WAIT!!!Right now we just gotta wait till we can buy the tickets from one site.They dont sell tickets for August's flights yet.. I hope soon they will. Fingers crossed!
Oh, yesterday i had an exam on creativity class.It was pretty hard. Wish me luck!I need it! We also showed our inspiration cards to each other and talked abt it. I really like my inspiration card! It really inspires me:) haha
LAST NIGHT i was talking to Elise for so long on the skype. I was on my bed with my laptop and geez it was soo funny!Whenever we chat its so damn funny! Finally at 3am i turned the laptop off and fell asleep.
I cant wait till she comes back home!!!:)
OH!I have an announcement to make. There's only 31 days left till New Moon opening! I cant waitttt :D I'm super excited!=]
Okay. I'm going to put some new pix to myspace now i guess.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
a little art..
So, i will post 3 songs here.
Fall In Love
„It doesnt matter whats the time“
Was your yesterday’s latenight line
When u told me you’re falling over me
Im the only girl you want to be
With all the seasons
You gave hundred reasons
Why i am the one
I was so happy i wanted to run
Miles and miles next to you
I have never felt the way u make me do..
I dont need spring to fall in love with you
It’s what naives only do
Listen ya’ll
Our eyes met in fall
Colors and wind
’ve left a scar on my skin
It’s a mark of what we share
Being always together, i swear.
Love hasnt made me blind
It has helped me to find
Prince charming in the rain
I’m in love says my brain
(end of chorus)
„Around you i cant breathe
Nor can i find words to speak“
You told me last night
And its alright
Coz i feel the same way
Whatever i try to say
Ends up like a baby’s first word
You say its the cutest thing you’ve ever heard.
I dont need spring to fall in love with you
It’s what naives only do
Listen ya’ll
Our eyes met in fall
Colors and wind
’ve left a scar on my skin
It’s a mark of what we share
Being always together, i swear.
Love hasnt made me blind
It has helped me to find
Prince charming in the rain
I’m in love says my brain
Maybe i’m insane
But i love dancing in the rain
Kissing your lips so sweet
And this crazy feeling when our eyes meet
I swear i can swin an ocean to be with you
And i know you would do that too!
* * *
One Day
Like always, i say wts on my mind
Like always, i say when things are not alright
But you are quiet, so quite next to me
And i dont know how you feel
So, once, i ask you to open up and say
What do you think coz every day
Suddenly passes by
It makes me wonder why
We still are at the beginning
My head is spinning
You can make it stop
Or you could drop
All we have and leave
Though it will take a time to heal
I promise you, one day
I’ll forget you the way
I used to love you..love youu..
(end of chorus)
Like always, you come to bed too late
You’ve been out with your mates
Like always you turn your back when i try to talk
Or when i argue you just walk
It’s always the same
So, once i ask you to open up and say
What do u think ’cause every day
Suddenly passes by
It makes me wonder why
We still are at the beginning
My head is spinning
You can make it stop
Or you could drop
All we have and leave
Though it will take a time to heal
I promise you, one day
I’ll forget you the way
I used to love you..love youu..
(end of chorus)
I dont know who’s the guy next to me
You’re not who you seems to be
Please, let me free
’cause as you see
I need my wings to fly
before all days passes by..
I promise you one day
i will forget you the same way
i used to love you..
* * *
This song i wrote today just a bit time ago..
When you walk pass me
I feel this emptiness
You ignore and dont see
How much i try to impress
You how i feel today
That im sad and need to hear
It wont last always
Coz ur so so near
You look through me
Like i was made of glass
So sad you make me feel
I wanna fall to the grass
And lay there for a while
But you. go ahead and ride another mile..
(end of chorus)
Why do i have tears falling down my face
When you are driving a car
Do you know i need your embrace
But you are so far, far, far...
When you look at me
I paint this fake smile
and pretend im okay
you have riden another mile..
You look through me
Like i was made of glass
So sad you make me feel
I wanna fall to the grass
And lay there for a while
But you, go ahead and ride another mile..
(end of chorus)
Something makes me sad
And i need you to understand
I want back the day we had
Yesterday, wanna walk on the sand
Can you feel this breeze?
Can you hear this wind singin’?
Show me way back, please
Let’s stop swinging...
Am i invisible?
Why do i need to whipe my tear
And hold my breath before i talk
And paint this fake smile on my face
Like everything is okay
When i really need your embrace
* * *
That's it for now.
I'm so tired right now. I need to do some home assignments and then i'll watch The Vampires Diaries and maybe The Beautiful Life too.
I actually made a list of things i have to do this weekend:
1.finish the book im reading
2.make an inspiration card
3.write to a physic teacher
4.write 3 pages about learning theories
5.try to look for Creativity class' material for a test
6.another assingment for college
7.watch TVD and TBL :)
That's it :P
So far only no 3 from the list is done. But i have whole day ahead tomorrow!;)
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today was CRAZYYY! Well, inanimate nature environment class was ok. Too long, though! I got the test C ! horrible!Lol! It happens. BUT what was rly crazy was aerobic class. Last time the class was rly weird. Too easy and weird exercises and dances. But seems that this time teacher wanted to make back the last lesson's easiness. I have NEVER done sooooo much exercises..i mean so HARD!My shirt was totalllly wet and my face was as red as tomato. But i reallly enjoyed the class. We danced and did different exercises!Great feeling:)
In the tram i felt a bit sick. I was too hot and too hungry. Coz 2 hours before the aerobics we cant eat.. and last time i ate was 9am. But aerobic class ended 5pm and i was so tired and hungry. But i needed to catch a tram and then catch a train back to home. I didnt have time to go to eat somewhere..and i knew at home dinner is waiting for me:) But in the tram i felt so sick. Thank God i didnt have long way to ride with it. Outside was a bit rainy so it was good!I was so hot.. i needed something that could freeze me down.haha. Anywho, then i bought an ice-cream and went to the train. I read the whole way..BUT two girls next to me were a bit annoying. They were talking the WHOLE way (50 min) abt one guy who was doing naughty thing in a tram. If he was so nasty and naughty why they kept talking abt him.. weirdo! At that moment i wished i was listening to my iPod coz i rlyyy didnt want to hear that story!But i was reading and i was too lazy to take my iPod out of my handbag.Lol! Lazy me!
At home i of course ate:) It was the first thing:) haha!I'm going to take a shower soon and hopefully talk to Haley later. And then im off to bed, i wanna read a bit and then just sleep. Aerobics was so exhausting, yet so cool! haha:)
See ya later alligator!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
doo da doo it's all good =)
Hello Wednesday-ers :D haha
I LOVE Wednesdays coz i have day off!yay!
It's crazy story outside! Thank God i dont have to go out!
Well, the day b4 yesterday i finally got to talk to Haley. She got skype:) How awesome is that, huh?!haha. So we talked abt 2 hrs. And i saw her lil baby Adleigh!She's ADORABLE!!!!!:):)
Yesteday i had only english class and aerobics. After that Gerli and i went to Micky 'd. I knowww after aerobics we shouldnt eat junk food, but we couldnt hold back!We were tooo hungry. On friday we deffo wanna buy McFlurry with Daim pieces and take it to the creativity lecture. Yumyum! :)
I arrived Kohila abt 5pm, went to the new cafe opening(but there wasnt any cafe actually..weirdd!). At least i got a free tea cup. haha:D Then at home i watched Home&Away and had delicious dinner! Oh, and last night i talked to Elise again!Damn!She's driving me nuts. Whenever we talk on msn we are just tooooo crazy!It's so funny. And i gotta admit i have pretty good fantasy.
"Daddy is best sick & Elise likes apple juice" -->this could sum up our yesterdays convo. Well, these are more like tags. Coz we talked prettty long and i was laughing so much that my stomach hurt. This girl is cracking me up!hahaha:D
Anyway,today i havent done much at all. Typical wednesday.I always plan to do SO much on my day off.But i end up just being on the net. I watched OTH today! And i wanted to watch TBL too, but the new episode wasnt up yet.. i'll watch it later..
Oh yeah, i had this weird writing mood today.. so i write a song..actually two.. maybe im even gonna post them here, but later!
DANG!Home&Away started. I gotta run!:)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
what inspires me?!...
I also printed out Miley's song lyrics "Right Here". It's me and Elisa's friendship song. Whenever im down or i miss her i listen to it. I know she's always here for me. And i feel lucky having her in my life :)
That's all i have managed to get yet. But i STILL have a lot to do. It's so hard to make an inspiration card. I know what inspires me but how can i put a song or a video or a person on a paper? I have used one poem, one song lyrics, a photo.. what else..
OMG! I just got an amazingggg idea!Yay! I was trying to think the whole day today how can i put my friend Sharon to my inspiration card.. i mean a piece of her.. and now i know. I'm gonna use this quote she once wrote me. Yesss!! :D
I probably will put a pic of my family too coz my fam is a biggest inspiration in my life. Without them i wouldnt be who i am. And also my pets. They mean sooooo much to me!!!!
Talking abt pictures. While i was looking for something that might inspire me i was looking old photo albums. Then i realized that my life has been soo colorful. I have moved 5 times. This house is the 6th place im living in. All these photos made me think about past. There're so many good old memories that i miss, but im also so happy for having all that i have right now.
I donno why but im so crazy abt old photos. They are like mirrors back to the past.. all these places, people and adventures. I love it. If someone thinks they know me they should think first if they have sitten with me abt 3 hours and looked my photo albums and heard all these stories. If they have then they really know me:) If not, then there's still time to do that!!!
Okay.My back is hurting. I better stop this venting. Lol. I better go and have some quality time with my family :)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Stormy dayy!
I have day off today. Nice. I'm gonna be at home all day coz its totally rainy and stormy out. I dont mind though.
Im creating some playlists right now. I miss Hilary Duff. So im listening to her music again. haha
The 4th episode of the 3rd season of Gossip Girl is the BEST!If you havent seen it then you are missing out a lot! Hilary Duff came to the screen:D yay!She's so awesome there! GG made me realize how much i missed her. She was my totally fav singer and actress abt year ago. Now im more into Miley&Demi's music. But Hil has always a place in my heart :)
Anywho. I havent been really productive today. Havent done anything.. oh no!I did ont thing. I watched two episodes of The Beautiful Life. Damn!Its a good show:) Im gonna keep watching it ;)
Yesterday i made a list of things i gotta get done. I still have some to scrach out.... the hardest thing that takes me forever to get done is cleanring my room. Not that my room is so messy, but im just lazt to clean..But i still gotta.
My fav spanish soap opera called En Nombre Del Amor starts in 38 minutes. So, i try to clean my room quickly and get ready by the right time.
ps!im writing a blog coz it was one thing in my list that needed to get done. hahaha! I like to update. Im too lazy to write to my diary regulary. So i do that here. Typing is way easier than holding a pencil. Lol!
Btw, im totally figuring out how could i get some pieces from Miley's clothing line. There are soooo many things i wanna buy. But stupid Walmart doesnt let to order from outside USA :S :(
Oh, and the other thing i sooo wanna get is Miley&Mandy's bracelet. I want the black&white one. It's so cool! At leats they have world wide shipping :):) yayyy!!! Im gonna order soon.
Ok. Enough. I have 34 min left...
Wake up - Hilary D. <3
Friday, October 2, 2009
Well, then i had 5 hrs till my next class. So, i decided to go to shopping. Lol. It's so cold outside so i needed new clothes(boots, coat ect.).. And i got everything i needed =](and spent soo much:S).
Then i went to foodshop and came back to college. I ate here and watched GG from surfthechannel.com. Thank God i took my laptop with me. AT least im not bored. It's 3:30pm right now..my class starts 5pm.:P
It's so good to be back in the net. As i said i have been feeling kinda bad so i havent been herde much.
Im so happppy tomorrow is saturday. No college. Dont get me wrong- i like college but i still feel sick so its not rly confy to study when u have a runny nose. It''s killing me:|
But im not the only one who's sick right now. Miley is wayyyyyyy sicker.And i feel so sorry for her. She even had to cancel couple of next shows. She told she's never been sicker than she's right now.Aww, poor sweetie :(
OMG! Im coughing like crazyy. I think everybody think im crazyy! Lol. But i cant hold it in. My throat kills me :S
I better stop now. Im talking with my friends on msn now and then im going to keep watching Gossip Girl :)