Okay, it's Tuesday today and im all so excited! This week seems to be as or even more crazier than last one. Got an instant msg from Jaana&Gerli a bit time ago saying that we are going out tomorrow. Yup. It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Like that!
Well, it's actually more like a Bingo night AND G.N.O after that. I love our gnos. Always soo fun! We are such a crazy punch of girls. Anywho, so, apparently i'll stay over at Jaana's.
Actually i'll go to my granny's after uni and hopefully i can see J before i go to Jaana's. He'll go to Finland on Thursday, so i rlyyy wanna see him before he leaves. I kinda feel bad that im going out tomorrow. I could spend the whole night with him.. actually he could come out with us...but then it wouldn't be gno anymore, besides i don't have really good memories from last week. So i better leave it that way. I dont need any more surprises, whatsoever. Hope he doesn't mind!
Well, i know lately my blogs have been so pointless. It's just that i don't have much time to write..
Im super excited about all that's going on in uni. Especially practice weeks. We gotta choose a school where we are going to an internship for 2 weeks in November. Cannot wait!
Right now i feel like i've got million things to do. Even tho it's kinda tiring i still like it at the same time. I like being busy and stuff.
This Sunday i'll go to work at children birthday party. Gonna entertain children!:)
Well, well. I've been making some delicious food lately. Maybe not as much as i wish, but still enough. But sadly i've had no time to post any recipes or pictures or anything. I'm up to it whenever i have more time than right now. lol.
I'm still very into Jamie Oliver. I watch his show every Sunday morning! Just love that guy and his cookings! Marvellous!
Okay, im going to take a shower and then pop to the bed. I'll continue reading "Love, Rosie" by Cecelia Ahern(one of my fav writers!)
Since your eyes are looking tired... Let your eye lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the world of dreams.GOOD NIGHT !
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