Thursday, August 25, 2011

My own world of books

I have been lately so tired. I have spent most of the days in my bed reading a book or just looking around the Net. I finished reading "Mini shopaholic" which was very funny book. Next i read "Minu Eesti 2" (My Estonia 2). I started with it months ago, but then i got some new books and this one was set aside. Anyway, now i managed to read it through. And after that i read "True Believer" by Nicholas Sparks. I finished with it today. It was such a good book. And now I'm reading "Peaaegu täiuslik" (Almost perfect). I decided that i should read books that are on my bookshelf and that i have bought, but never really gotten so far to read them. Anyway, as it seems last couple of days i have managed to change it. And i still have 6 more books to read :) But uni starts soon and i bet i won't have much time to read at that time. It'll be crazy busy!
Oeh, it's 9.30pm and I'm SO tired :/ I guess it's time for me to go to bed (actually i already am in my bed.Lol).
Oh, one more thing. I miss J. Surprise, surprise, huh? Well, i really am looking forward to 29th when he comes home. In the morning i have some things to do and then he can take care of me at home :) We can finally be together again! He makes me smile!


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