Sunday, September 13, 2009

list of things that needs to get done..

Okay. Today's a major Sunday. haha. In the morning i made a list of what i need to get done today!
So, here it is:

1.Finish reading the book for college
2.Clean my room
3.Make an apple pie
4.Put a pic from my cell to my laptop
5.Check out when's Katie's bday(i've forgotten)
6.Write to my journal
7.Read once again the text for English class
8.Read my friends' blogs
9.Write my blog(which im doing right NOW!)
10.Will check out some notes i wrote in sociology lecture
11.Have to write a summary of a group work of friday's class
12.Take a shower
13.Get my nails done
14.Start reading a new book for college(at least 10 pages..its a boring book!!)

That's it. From 1 to 9 are done ;) 5 more to go. lol

Anyway, i read Cory's blog. It was so inspiring. I'm thinking how LUCKY i am to have all my friends.
Elisa- she's my everything!Seriously, i dont imagine my life without my besty anymore!It feels like i have had her in my life FOREVER. But it's abt 2 years.

Sharon- girl who has given me soooo many beautiful memories.She's always been here for me. We dont have to talk or see each other so often, but i know she's always here!

Clara- my angel.She was the FIRST one to show me what a true friendship looks like. I'm proud to say she was my VERY 1st BEST friend.

"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart."

Elise- a girl who has been my friend only a year, but it feels wayy longer. She made my last high school year so much fun:D When she's around im neverr bored!:D love that, chick!

Ruby- i can always talk to her. always!& im always here for her too. We seem to understand each other.and help! she's sooo kind&caring!!its just amazing coz sweet she is!!!:)

Amber- my lil myspace buddy who i have a chat almost everyday:D her life's so colorful and it fills mine. :)

Demm- girl who ALWAYS makes me laugh!don't ask how..if i only knew:D she's soo special&soo caring.always knows the right words to say. love her<33

Miles- my fav girl with the bigggest heart! everything she does gives me an inspiration. i think she's not even aware how much she means to me. i love her exactly as she is!

Oh boy. I would keep writing&writing&writing.. it was just a short example of HOW much my friends mean to me.They complete my life <333

Omg. did i hear the dinner is ready???:D:D im so hungry.You have NO idea.
I gotta put the apple pie to the oven now. I couldnt do that b4, coz the dinner was's making chicken:D yummmii!!

Okay, peace! <3


  1. awwwww :)I like what u said about me! and agree with u on that it seems musc longe´r ;)

  2. yeps. seems WAY longer:P but it's not. just a year. an amazingly fun year!hahahaa
    come backkkkk!!!!!:D:Dhaha
