Lugesin hiljuti John Green'i raamatut "Looking for Alaska". See oli teine J. Greeni raamat, mida ma lugenud olen. Pean ütlema, et taaskord on ta fantastiliselt kirjutanud. Tema kirjaviis, sõnade voolavus, huvitavad ja ebaharilikud karakteris on nii paeluvad. Lugesin raamatu läbi mõne päevaga (rongiga tööle sõites ja töölt koju sõites). Kuigi tegelased on gümnaasiumi viimases klassis, siis see raamat pole sugugi tüüpiline teismelistele mõeldud teos. Selles raamatus on nii palju enamat!
Lugu räägib kõhnast ja kahvatust poisist hüüdnimega Pudge, kes läheb internaatkooli ning tutvub Colonel'iga (tema toakaaslane) ning Alaskaga. Alaska on tüdruk, kes lummab Pudge'i oma kauni välimuse ja ebatavalise iseloomuga. Nad saavad hästi läbi ning Pudge loodab muudkui sõprusest midagi enamat. Aga ta teab, et Alaskal on poiss-sõber olemas. Tegevustikus toimub väga palju huvitavat, kuid lõpuks jõuab asi selleni, et Alaska ja Pudge suudlevad. Järgmisel hetkel Alaska tormab minema, ütleb, et peab kuhugi sõitma (kuigi on juua täis). Järgmise hommikul selgub, et Alaska sai autoavariis surma. Pudge ja Colonel tunnevad süüdi, et lasid tal juua täis peaga autorooli istuda. Kuid nad ei tea, kuhu Alaska minna tahtis..ning just seda nad uurima hakkavadki. Pool raamatut ongi nö enne Alaska surma, pool raamatut peale Alaska surma. See on tõeline lugu sõprusest, koolielust ja lollustest. Kuid selles on midagi veel suuremat, erilisemat. Loe ja saa teada :)
//About a week or more ago I read John Green's book "Looking for Alaska". It was the second book of J. Green that I read. I must say it was again very well writtened. Although the story is of high school students, he still writes the story somehow maturely so you don't feel you are reading a typical teenager novel. I truly admire Green's ability to great such a funny and unique characters and plot.
The story is about a guy who's nickname is Pludge. He goes to a new boarding school where he meets Colonel (his roommate) and a girl named Alaska. He liked Alaska a lot. She's gorgeous, outgoing ect. Pudge on the other hand is skinny, pale and looks like a typical nerd you can find. But they are friends and more than once Alaska says compliments towards Pudge that makes him feel special. One night they kiss. That's the night when Alaska dies. Basically half of the book is BEFORE she dies and half is AFTER she's died. After Alaska's death Colonel and Pudge feel resbonsible and they start to investigate what happened to her (they knew she died in a car crash, but they didn't know why she took of in the middle of the night..where was she driving??). It's a compelling story of true friendship, lots of laughter, pranks, high school life ect. Yet there's something bigger in there. What? Read and find out :) //
Down here is one of the many quotes that Pudge said in the book: