Monday, October 10, 2011

Dark autumn :/

Oh! I don't know what's wrong with me! I have a good life, the best man next to me. But i am still sad. I think it's because of the darkness of autumn. Of course i feel a bit lonely because J isn't here. But we talk every day on skype! It makes me happy. But still, i must get over this bad/sad mood. I need energy and i want to smile just like most of the time i do. I sometimes think too much and it makes me sad. But i forgot to appreciate what i have. I am sorry. Because deep in my heart i am the most happiest girl on planet, because i have J in my life!!! I can't wait till 19th October when he's coming home. It'll be so special day for me because this time i am missing him more than i have ever done and i sooooo want to see him and be with him already!!!!!!
Okay, my promise for this dark and rainy autumn: I wake up with a big smile on my face and i'll keep it on my face the whole day. And i promise to find something optimistic from every bad situation. I promise to be happy and positive like i used to be. :)

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