Aknast välja vaadates tundub nagu hakkaks sügis saabuma, kuigi praegu on suvi alles poole peal. No ei tea, aga taevas on jälle tume. Eile õhtul magama minnes olid mul varbad külmad - see on mul sügisel ja talvel tavaline..aga suvel?! Eile kandsin toas ka juba susse. Ilmselt on lihtsalt praegu mingi külmalaine Soomes (rohkem tegelikult tuulelaine). Tuul puhub väga väga tugevalt. Ma elan 5.korrusel ja aknast paistavad maja ees ja maja taga kasvavad suured puud. Ühe pisikese kase tipp ulatub täpselt meie aknani ja see koguaeg lehvib tuule käes, ime et pole veel katki läinud.
//The weather is very very crazy - cold and windy. Seems like autumn is getting here, even though it's the middle of summertime. If I look out of my apartment windows I can see the tops of trees moving in the wind. It's lucky they don't break. One more fact about the coldness - my feet were so cold when I went to bed last night. I usually have cold feet only in the autumn and winter..//
//The weather is very very crazy - cold and windy. Seems like autumn is getting here, even though it's the middle of summertime. If I look out of my apartment windows I can see the tops of trees moving in the wind. It's lucky they don't break. One more fact about the coldness - my feet were so cold when I went to bed last night. I usually have cold feet only in the autumn and winter..//
Täna tuli mul kogu selle külma ja tuule peale millegi magusa isu, täpsemalt hapupiima pannkookide. Nende kohevate ja maitsvate!!! Otsisin internetist retsepti (SIIT) ja asusingi valmistama :) Kohandasin internetist leitud retsepti natuke, kuna minu meelest tuli esimene pannitäis natuke jahused...sellised saia maitsega..umbes nagu need Ameerika pannkoogid. Aga lisasin rohkem hapupiima ja probleem sai lahendatud :) Ka ei kasutanud ma suhkrut, vaid hoopis vahtrasiirupit. Pannkooke sain suure laari ning sõin neid värske maasikamoosiga. Nii head!
//I felt like I needed to make something sweet today to light up this cold and cloudy day. I decided to make grandmom's small sweet pancakes! I love these sooooo much! You can never compare these with American pancakes...because these grandmom's ones are wayyyyy better!!!!! I didn't use any sugar, just maple syrup! And I ate the pancakes with fresh strawberry jam!!! Love summer, no matter what weather it is outside :P//
//I felt like I needed to make something sweet today to light up this cold and cloudy day. I decided to make grandmom's small sweet pancakes! I love these sooooo much! You can never compare these with American pancakes...because these grandmom's ones are wayyyyy better!!!!! I didn't use any sugar, just maple syrup! And I ate the pancakes with fresh strawberry jam!!! Love summer, no matter what weather it is outside :P//
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