Sunday, November 17, 2013

happy memories :)

Olen täna õhtul olnud abielu ja romantika lainel. Vaatasin üht videot imeilusast abielu ettepanekust (SIIT). See pani mind naeratus suul ja pisarad silmas mõtlema muidugi mu enda kalli mehe abielu ettepanekule ja kõigele, mis sellele järgnes. Need hetked on unustamatud ja nii erilised! Mul on tunne, et armun temasse iga päev üha uuesti ja uuesti. See on nii hea tunne!
Lõpetasin täna viimaste piltide kleepimise meie pulmaalbumisse. Kirjutasin sisse ka kaks tsitaati, mis minu meelest on nii ilusad ja sügavad.

//I have been in a wedding and generally in romantic mood. I watched a video of a wonderful wedding proposal. That made me think of how my husband proposed me. And how all this wonderful journey marriage began. I think I fall in love with him everyday over and over again. 
I finished putting our wedding photos to our wedding album today. I wrote these two beautiful quotes that are so deep and carry an amazing message. //

“Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. It’s a choice.” Our choice!

“Marriage is a mosaic we build together. Millions of tiny moments that create our love story.”

Meie pulmaalbumis jäi veel päris palju ruumi üle. Ma ei tea, mida nende vabade lehtedega teha. Võib-olla panen sinna need imeilusad pulmadeks kingitud heade soovidega kaardid. Need on tõesti kõik kui kunstiteosed! Tahan osta kuskilt ka mingeid lillasid kaunistusi/kleepse (lipsukesi, sügameid, roose vms), millega seest kaunistada. Meie pulmavärviks oli ju valge ja lilla :)

//We have quite many empty pages left in our wedding album. I am thinking of putting there these super beautiful and nice wedding cards we got from the guests. These are all really like some are masterpieces! I also want to buy some purple design items (stickers - hearts, roses, bows ect). So I can decorate the pages a little bit. Our wedding color was purple and white :) //

“You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you, and then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.”

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