Olen nüüd kõik kolm "Divergent"i triloogia raamatut läbi lugenud ja ma olen positiivselt üllatunud. Lugemise käigus ma pidevalt mõtlesin, et autor on lihtsalt nii uskumatult andekas; kuidas tal küll sellised ideed on? Wow! Ma jumaldan kogu selle triloogia sisu. See on lihtsalt nii erinev kõikidest teistest raamatutest. Kuidas Veronica Roth tuli sellisele mõttele? Ja nüüd sain teada, et ta (autor) on kõigest 25. aastane (saab 26. aastaseks 9. augustil). Nii noor, andekas ja edukas! Ta karjäär on alles algmas ja ma ei jõua ära oodata, et tema järgmiseid raamatuid lugeda ;)
Aga nüüd raamatutest lähemalt. Kui ma peaksin neist kolmest oma lemmiku valima, siis see oleks ilmselt 1. osa. Seda seetõttu, et sealt sain kogu pildi sellest ühiskonnast ja sealsest süsteemist.. see oli nii uus minu jaoks ja seega ka kõige rohkem elevust tekitav. Samas ka järgmistes osades oli palju-palju uut ja huvitavad. Autor kirjutab väga kaasahaaravalt, tegevus koguaeg toimub. Eriti meeldis mulle selle triloogia puhul see, et iga pisike detail, mida raamatus mainiti, oli läbimõeldud. Näiteks miski, mis mainiti esimeses raamatus lihtsalt muuhulgas, osutus oluliseks kolmandas raamatus jne. See näitas, et autor tõesti teadis, mida ta kirjutas!!!
Ma ei taha tegelikult väga sisust rääkida, sest see on lihtsalt niivõrd eriline. Igale lugejale peaks jääma võimalus ise seda avastada. Ütlen vaid nii palju, et see triloogia on lugemist väärt! Mina lugesin neid raamatuid inglise keeles ning kõik oli väga hästi mõistetav. Postituse lõpus on ka kõigi kolme raamatu lühikesed inglisekeelsed tutvustused.
//I read all three books from the Divergent series (Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant) and I am wow-ed. While I was reading I was constantly thinking: this author is brilliant; how could she possibly have these ideas? Wow! I love the whole storyline. I think it's SO UNIQUE. Nothing to compare to! While I was reading the last book (Allegiant) I found out that the author (Veronica Roth) is only 25 y.o (tunring 26 on 9th August). She's so young and successful! Her writer carrieer has just started. I cannot wait to see what else she's going to write about!
But about the trilogy now. If I had to pick out my fav out of three, I think I would choose the first book because I feel it was just the most amusing. But at the same time the next two books also had these wow effects and I LOVE how the books were very connected. Even little details were thought through very well. Some little things that were mentioned in the first book might have a bigger meaning in the second or third book. I think that shows that the author really knew what he was writing!!!
I don't want to write about the story because I just wouldn't know how to choose the best words to describe that. But I took a little review from the Internet:
Divergent: One choice can transform you. It is a gripping dystopian tale of electrifying choices, powerful consequences, unexpected romance, and a deeply flawed "perfect society."
Insurgent: One choice can destroy you. Insurgent continues the dystopian thrill ride. As war surges in the factions all around her, Tris attempts to save those she loves—and herself—while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love.
Allegiant: The explosive conclusion to Divergent trilogy reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent andInsurgent. //
My favorite quote from the "Allegiant" book (I highlighed it in my book and wrote it to my phone notebook as well!)