Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 is knocking on a door

I am sitting here with my laptop and Jay is still sleeping. It's 7pm already. He had a nightshift and when he came home in the morning we watched tv and then we went to the foodshop to buy some things for our New Years Eve dinner. The potatoes are boiling right now and when Jay wakes up he'll put the kitchen to the oven. I will make some fancy snacks and then we are pretty much good to go :)
It's nice to spend this year the New Years Even together and just quietly. Last two years we have been at my sister's place with lots of people. It's refreshing to start a New Year together, just the two of us.
We have our fireworks and when the clock hits the midnight then we will go outside and fly our fireworks to the sky. Actually some near by folks have been flying their fireworks up to the sky for last an hour. Maybe they are from some of the east countries where it's already midnight and they like to celebrate their father's land New Year start. Who knows. All I know is that we have got 5 more hours timm midnight.
My stomach has been giving me a hard time today. I wonder if it's because I am so excited about the New Year or I just ate something bad. I hope it gets better soon!
I just wanted to watch back to the last year and cheerish the moments that made my year more happier and exciting. First of all, Jay, my love. Without him my life wouldn't be what it is now. And I owe him a lot. Mostly because of how much he loves me and cares of me. It's impossible to put into words how much I love my faince! He's my everything and I love sharing my life with him!!!
Secondly, my family. Mom and dad always make me feel like a little girl eventhough I am already 22 y.o. But I am always their little daughter. I am so grateful that they raised me so well. I really think I am raised well. I am independet, but I always know my parents are there for me. I have certain beliefs and moral etics and I think they are part thanks for my parents and my whole family! The most grateful I am for my sisters. I am sooo lucky that I wasn't raised as an only child. I love my sisters so much and I am so glad we get a long so well. When I was younger I always hated being the middle child, but now I think it's so great that I have a younger and older sister because I have so much in common with both of them...because I am like in halfway to both of them. My older sis and I can talk more about the grown up things, about the hobbies and likes we share. With my younger sis I can talk to more childish/teenager stuff. We talk about music, celebrites, fashion stuff, movies and tv shows and so on. I have so many good memories with both of them and it's always so fun to talk about these and laugh! :)
I also can't leave out my pets - I love Bonnie, Muffin, Tikker and Chuck. They are all so important to me. Even though I don't see them so often I always keep them in my heart and in my thoughts :)
2012 had its ups and downs. Like any other year! But overall it was a great year with lots of laughter. I got ENGAGED, I had an amazing birthday, our apartment in Tallinn got even more cozy and homey for me, the summer in Finland with Jay was amazing, I got to see my cute little nephew to grow, I went to Michael Buble's concert which was beyong amazing, I met Shawny, I had two hard but fun internships, I had such a sweet Christmas Eve and Day, ect.There were just sooo many small and big amazing things that happened this year that I can't enumerate them all. But I just want to say hpw greatful I am for everything I have and feel. People around me makes my life so wonderful! I have understood this year how important it is to be happy and positive. Negative energy just kills all around you and it won't make you any way feel better. So, lets all be happy, all year long, every upcoming year.
With these good thoughts I wish you all a wonderful New Years Eve and Happy New Year.
I will turn my laptop off for today and I'll write again next year!

My 2012 favorites :)

As I have mentioned I really like to watch youtube vlogs. Every year when it's Christmas time youtubers make Christmas tags and when it's Halloween they make Halloween tag. So, now it's New Years Eve and of course what better thing to do than "Best of 2012 tag". I decided to do that here on my blog also!
Basically I'll write different products or items that I have been loving throughout 2012 :)
1. Skincare product
Aloe Calming Facial Cleanser by The Body Shop
I use it every night before I go to bed to clean my face. It's very smooth and makes skin so soft AND clean of course :)
2. Eye product
The Clossal Volum Express mascara by Maybelline
I don't actually use much make-up at all. But at dark fall and winter time when my face is so pale I like to use a little bit of mascara. And I really love Maybelline The Clossal Volum Express Mascara!!!
3. Lip product
Pink Punch Baby Lips lippalm by Maybelline & Blistex Classic Lip Protector
I just couldn't choose one. I discovered Baby Lips lippalms this summer and Pink Punch is my absolute favorite! I ordered it from UK because they don't sell this product in Estonia.
But since in Estonia fall and winter are pretty cold then my lips need protection. This year my lips seem to be extra sensitive, so I have been using Blistex whenever I go out in the cold air.
4. Nail polish
Rimmel Lycra Pro Nail Polish - color Purple Addict
Rimmel is my favorite nail polish brand. Most of my nail polishes are by Rimmel. I have several purple tones because purple is my favorite color. This year my favorite has been colortone Purple Addict!
5. Body product
Passion fruit Body Butter by The Body Shop
I actually love all body butters by The Body Shop, but this is the one that I have been using this year mostly. I did use some other smaller ones too, but they ended and after that I have been using this one and it's my favorite so far. It smells so fresh! I add it to my legs and arms after shower and it really makes skin soooo smooth and silky!
6. Perfume
Wrapped With Love by Hilary Duff
I have both Hilary's perfumes and they are my all time favorite. Both of my perfumes are purcased last year because my others finished and you don't know how hard it was to find the new ones because they are pretty old perfumes. But yeah, I managed to find them both! Even though I love them ecually I have been using Wrapped With Love more than With Love this year. Maybe because Wrapped With Love is a true spring and summer scent, very light. But winter is still ahead and since With Love is more winter scent, I will probably be using With Love more in the beginning of 2013 ;)
7. Clothing Piece
I must say slippers because that's what I use everyday at home and I am quite obsessed with slippers. My floor is very cold in my apartment and that's why I need to wear slippers every day, plus they are just sooo cozy and warm! My favorite slippers in 2012 are actually my old ones. They got pretty wore out and I got a new pair. The old ones are now in Finland and I use them while I am at Jay's apartment. (I'll add a photo later)
8. Favorite TV show
Gossip Girl
Ohh yeaahh!!! This show is my absolute favorite! Every Tuesday evening I got so excited because I knew I can watch a new episode of Gossip Girl. I still cannot believe that the show is over. Sad :(
9. Favorite Movie
The Hunger Games
I thought pretty long about it and it's actually hard to choose one. Jay and I have been going to the cinema a lot and I can't even honestly remember right now all the movies we have seen this year, but The Hunger Games popped to my mind and I really loved this movie, so probably because I remember it so well it must have been one of my favorite movies this year. I also read The Hunger Games trilogy and I love that even more than the movie :)

10. Favorite book
One Hundred Names (by Cecelia Ahern)
First of all, Cecelia Ahern is my no 1 favorite author since I read PS!I love you about 5 years ago. Ever since I have purcased all her books. And when I heard that her new books is coming out I got so excited. I ordered it from UK. It was beyond amazing. The storyline was incredible. It has a good message like all ger books. I highly recommend it to anybody who likes to read about life :)
11. Food
Dessert of gingerbread and sweet cottage cheese (it's called Kohuke in Estonian)
It's so hard to choose a favorite food of a year because the year is so long and I usually have certain favorites each month or season. But if I think back of the year 2012 I think gingerbread kohuke was one thing I could have been eating all day long every day! It's actually on the shops only from mid November till mid January (holiday season), but I have been really eating it soooo much! It's my all time favorite dessert!
12. Beverage
Lipton Peppermind tea
It's nothing surprising or nothing special. I just love tea. Ever since I got my traveller mug I have been drinking tea even more. This year my favorite has been probably Lipron Peppermint tea. There was a certain period in my life when I didn't drink any Lipton teas. Maybe bacause I wanted to try out other tea brands, but now I have found my way back to Lipton. And peppermint has always been my all time favorite!!!
It was a year 2012 and here were my twelve favorites products, items ect.
I might be doing this kind of tag every month because I tend to have every month some certain favorites.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

"Minu Brasiilia"

Minu esimene eestikeelne blogipostitus. Olen vist varem ka maininud, et kui ma blog kirjutama hakkasin, siis mingil põhjusel tegin seda inglise keeles. Ju oli tol ajal nii huvitavam. Nüüd teen seda lihtsalt harjumusest.
Aga jah, täna siis eesti keelne postitus, kuna kirjutan raamatust, mida ma hiljuti lugesin. Nagu päris tihti, leian ma end raamatupoest...ja lugematul kordadel on mu pihku jäänud mõni Petrone Prindi "Minu" sari. Seekord siis "Minu Brasiilia", mille autoriks on Pille Gerhold. Ma olen lummatud eksootilistest kohtadest ning seega olid mu ootused raamatule üsna suured. Huvi oli tohutu. Raamatu lugesin kaanest kaaneni ühe päevaga, sest see oli põnev, huvitav ja ma lihtsalt ei leidnud õiget hetke seda pooleli jätta. Ju see siis näitab, kui haaravalt see on kirjutatud. Mis mind üllatas, oli brasiiliaste vaesus ja erinevad nipid, mida autor pidi kasutama, et näha välja brasiiliane ning mitte rikas turist. Näiteks kilekotis oma asju kandma. Pole vist eriti luksuslik. Kõige uskumatum tundus minu jaoks brasiiliaste hoiak aja suhtes - neil on aega oi kui palju.. Paaril korral lugedes ma lihtsalt ei saanud hämmastusest üle, kui aeglaselt seal asjad toimivad. Kohati tundub suhtumine Brasiilias justkui bohhuistlik. Minu jaoks tunudb see nii jube, aga samas seal koha peal olles ehk harjub ära. Tundub, et raamatu autor sai ka aru, et niimoodi asjad lihtsalt seal toimivad ja seda muuta ei saa.
Üsnagi šokeeriv oli autori kirjeldus, kuidas sealne transport toimib. Lihtsalt ootad kuskil bussi, hüppad peale, maksad raha, jõuad õigesse kohta, hüppad maha. Ja need bussid pole sugugi turvalised. Leian, et autoril oli tõsiselt palju julgust ja head pealehakkamist. Ta jättis Brasiiliast tegelikult väga sooja ja natuke ka lahtise ettekujutuse. Jäi mulje nagu igal ühel on Brasiilias veel midagi avastada. Töö, mida autor seal tegi, oli ka nii põnev ja väga eksootiline. Kirjeldused lihtsatest inimestest, kellega ta kohtus, olid suurepärased.
Kokkuvõttes võib öelda, et jälle üks suurepärane lugemine! Selline tunne nagu ma oleks ise Brasiilias koos autoriga reisinud ja tema seiklustest osa saanud.
Järgmisena on plaanis läbi lugeda "Minu India", mille esitluselt koos autori autogrammiga ostsin.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

hate and love for food

I startred thinking the other day that so much has changed since childhood - friends, home, fav food ect. Actually I mostly meant the food. I remember how I hated some particular foods when I was younger and I swore I'd never like them. But at some point it all changed. When? How? Why? Interesting. I really heated corn, crabs, crabsticks, fish, mushrooms, beans, boiled carrot, paprika, buckwheat, maybe something more. But now I love these all :) I don't just like them, but I love them!!! There are of course still two things from my childhood that I don't like so much, I can eat them, but I don't enjoy them - jelly and liver. It's funny I have never liked liver (in a sauce for example), but I love liver pate and liver sausage. It's weird how you taste something and you don't like the taste. And over years you start loving it. I think if I have children one day and they don't want to eat something because it's not tasteful for them, then I'll just tell them my story and I don't ask for them to eat the food they don't like.. One day when they grow up they might start loving it anyway! :)


Friday, December 28, 2012


A couple of days ago Jay and I saw an episode of The Walking Dead. I think it was on Christmas Eve. I actually saw only the last five minutes of its end. But it seemed so interesting. I remember I once wanted to watch it, I was home alone and I just couldn't watch it more than a minute. I just had to change the channel because I was afraid not being able to sleep at night. Anyway, Jay and I decided to watch all the epsiodes together, starting with season one. So, that's what we have been doing at nights when nothing interesting is on tv. We connect my laptop with the tv, turn the lights off, have some snacks and have marathon of The Walking Dead. To be honest I haven't been scared yet. I think now that the show isn't supposed to be scary at all. It's actually very interesting and has a deep storyline. I really enjoy watching it. Jay of course wants to scare me whenever we watch it, but he always fails. It's just not scary enough for me. But who knows, maybe it'll change when we start with the season two tomorrow ;)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas joy

It's all about Christmas! So, where do I begin? Jay and I opened out presents on 24th Dec night, just after midnight! I was so excited to open my gifts and to discover what was hidden in these giftbags. I got amazingly cute and thoughful presents from Jay! Quick overview: Joik candle, a book "Christmas at cupcake cafe", The Body Shop showergel, leggings, pajama, dressing gown, three bras. 

 Jay also opened his present. He got a Black ops II computer game, a T-shirt and a perfume. You can see him showing off his Christmas presents!

 On 24th December we went to Kohila to my parent's place. The first photo I took was next to the fire place :) It was so warm there!!!!

 Then we had a very delicious and lovely Christmas dinner. We talked, we laughed, took a lot of photos and enjoyed the Christmas that was in the air :)

 As I mentioned we took pretty many photos. Here is one where I pose with my older and younger sister!

My parents and sisters!
 All the guests on our Christmas party. One big family. I was taking the photo, so you don't find me on the photo.
 Me and my life! So so happy together!

I cannot believe that Christmas 2012 is over. On 25th Dec Jay and I went to visit his grandmother and today, on 26th, we went to visit my greatgrandmother and my grandfather and his wife. It was very lovely there. I must say that I have been eating sooo much Christmas food, that I am happy that I don't have to eat it till next year! 
Anyway, Jay went to visit his mom and he should be home any minute. We are going to watch some episodes of The Walking Dead. We wacthed the first episode together last night and decided to watch the all the episodes it'll be a fun marathon of The Walking Dead! We are off to Finland tomorrow :) 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas is in the air!

Jay and I went out today for lunch and shoppin for last minute Christmas presents. Well, he wanted to buy me something and I have no idea what he bought. It'sa surprise. We decided to open the Christmas present tonight at midnight! So few more hours of waiting and then I can open my presents :) Yay!
I took some photos of our Christmas decorations around the apartment. 
Presents under our Christmas tree!

Little star on our kitchen window!

Our two Christmas stockings. You can see Jay from the mirror!

Christmas feeling in our bedroom!

I also made delicious healthy dinner tonight. I made chicken and salad of tomatoes and different salad leaves. Plus Ceasar salad dressing. Of course Jay does not like that much green stuff for dinner. For him I made rice and chicken sauce and I served that with a bit of salad (I want him to eat something healthy too!). 
My dinner :)

Home for Christmas

When we were going to the harbor in Helsinki yesterday then we had quite a bit time and we decided to go to that elecronics shop next to harbor. I bought a new laptop case and a laptop bag and Jay found himself a laptop case also :) It's great because now I can travel with my laptop without damaging it! 
It's 23rd of Decmber today. Jay and I arrived home yesterday around 9pm. Before heading home we went to the foodshop to buy some food. Jay also wanted some cheese burgers from McDonald's and I wanted a tunafish wrap from Deli Express. I love their wraps and sandwishes! Whenever I am hungry while I am out and I want something quick and delicious, I buy a tunafish wrap :) Can't get enough of it!
It feels so good to be at home. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow. Wow! It's my last day to take a chocolate from my advent calender and there's only one item on my stocking left. Today I got a Daim chocolate. 
I charged my camera's batteries last night so today I got to put photos to my laptop and took some more. I will take some photos of the Christmas decorations today later when it's a bit darker, so the lights will look prettier. And I also plan to make a delicious dinner today. I just want to be at home :) I'm so excited for tomorrow. We'll open presents in the morning before we leave to my parent's place. I can't wait till Jay opens his present tomorrow :) I hope he likes what he gets!
I think Jay and I will head out for lunch soon. I am craving for soup. Jay doesn't like soup so I don't make it at home very often because it's hard to make a soup just for one serving :P But yeah, I want hot and delicious soup today!

Easiest healty cookies

I came across on youtube with one very easy and delicious cookie recipe. To make the cookies you only needs two different incredients: 1 banana and 1 cup of oats (aprox 237 ml). I had both of the ingredients at home and so I decided to make these healthy cookies. They were so delicious and they are perfect for snack because they make your stomach full pretty quickly.
Here are the final cookies:

And here's the video that shows how to make these banana oatmeal cookies :)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's winter here!

I just realized that it's winter now! Oh yeah! Winter started yesterday, 21st December at 8 o'clock in the morning :) It makes me happy! It has been cold and snowy for pretty long already, but now I can officially say that it's winter and true winter weather! And I cannot believe it's Chrsitmas Eve in two days! How exciting!

I love these snowflake Christmas decorations! So fragile and pretty!

Friday, December 21, 2012

21st Dec - a normal day!

After my digicamera's batteries went low yesterday I tried to charge them through USB cable, but for some reason it won't charge through it. So, it means I have no camera to use right now. I do have my cellphone so I have been taking some photos with it, but the quality is not the same. Plus, I don't have my cellphone cable with me and it means I am not able to post any photos to my blog until I go back to Estonia (which is already tomorrow night!)!!!
Anyway, today is 21st December - the end of Maias calender and there was said that it's the end of the world (different predictions: Sun is going to explode, no electricity, ect). But it's almost 10pm already and nothing has changed so far. To be honest, I was a bit worried. I usually don't believe these kind of predictions, but this time even very reliable sorces were writing about it, scientists were talking about it and so on. Media was full of news of the end of the world. I tried not to pay attention to it and not think about it, but the more the day came closer people around me asked what I am going to do that day, if I am alone, do I have candles ect. Crazy how naive people are. And I admit I was probably one of them. Jay said I am stupid to believe it and he promised that nothing is going to happen. He kept his promise :) But yeah, I am so glad this day is almost over!!! If the end ever comes I choose not to know when it's going to happen!
I went to Helsinki with my dad today because he needed to buy a ship ticket for tomorrow morning. He's going back to Estonia. So, I decided to go with him since Jay was at work and I had no other plans anyway. We also went to the big electronics shop just next to the harbor. There were sooo many good stuff. I will ask Jay if we have time to go there on 27th Dec when we come back to Finland because I saw there so many laptop bags and I am currently looking for one. But my laptop is pretty big and so far I haven't found a nice laptop bag with a reasonable price that will actually suit my laptop. But at that shop the choice was pretty big, so I wanna go there with Jay so he would help me choose a good one :)
I spent some more time with dad when we came back to Hyvinkää. Then I went to Jay's place, cleaned a bit, made him dinner and since I had dinner with dad I didn't want to eat anything heavy anymore. I had three-kiwi-salad instead :) Yum!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

gifts that warm your heart and bones!

It's a holiday season and for those who love simple gifts and for those who get cold easily I have choosen two simple and affordable gift ideas. You can either make the gift for yourself or someone who you think would enjoy it :)

1. Warm socks for cold winter time. Christmas is perfect time to give them to someone whose toes need extra warmth! I know I need these!!!

2. Christmas themes mugs for tea, coffee or hot chocolate. At winter time we all need hot drinks. Why not to enjoy your drink from a lovely, funny or cute mug. I love mugs that are red gives even more a holiday feeling :) Look at that snowman mug, isn't that cute?
You can always put some teabags or hot chocolate stick to the mug so it makes the gift even sweeter!



Maybe the cold that's still between my bones is the reason why I needed to blog about these warm gifts :)
I am planning on posting a holiday gift guide and I'll post photos of the gifts  gifts that I gave to my friends and family this year. I will also write a blog post of the gifts that I got :)'s cold outside!

I walked to Jay's work today again. It was so cold outside, but I enjoyed walking. The weather is actually very nice - a real winter day! When he went to work, I walked back. I had taken my camera with me, so I stopped several times to take photos. Because of this I walked home pretty long. It would have taken even more, but my camera batteries died and I couldn't take as many photos as I wanted. One thing that sucks is that it's hard to take photos when it's so cold outside. My fingers just don't work that well when they are frozen. Anyway, when I finally arrived home after an hour walk from Jay's work my legs, nose and fingers were totally frozen. At home I first put one more sweater on and ate marzipan that I got from my Christmas stocking today morning. I would like to say that all this coldness is gone from my body and I feel warm again, but I would be lying. I'm still so cold!!! I think I wll have a lunch soon - French fries with fish and salad. That should heat me up! :)
Sun was setting at 2.45 pm. It's a sign that we live in North Europe!

Few berries are still hunging on a snowy branch.
Oh, I just have to mention what really annoys me. Jay ahve some analyses done last week and he was told to call his doctor today. He tried to call several times, but no-one answered. And then he had to go to work. So, he asked me to call. And I did. I am his fiance you know. But they didn't give me any information. I know it's their work etics, but it still annoys me because these analyses weren't anything serious, and I am his fiance. HE asked me to call. But yeah, I know this is how it works..I have seen it from the movies, but I always thought it was about more serious cases. So stupid of me to think I would call and get the results so easily. Well, he can call tomorrow again, I hope they'll asnwer before he must go to work.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

winter sweater

I have been wanting a cute and cozy winter sweater that I could wear over leggings. Something that is holiday themed. I have found some photos. I hope I will find some at stores with a reasonable price range.
Happy 18th of December!

Gossip Girl final episode

I just watched Gossip Girl final episode. I cannot believe this show is really over. I remember I was a teenager when my older sister ordered one magazine that also was publicing Gossip Girl books in Estonian. So, my sister was reading these books and I never really knew about it. But once I was at bookshop and I just randomly bought the 4th book of Gossip Girl. I liked it, but I didn't read any other parts that came out. Years went by and I came across with a new tv show that was just airing in U.S.A. So, I decided to watch the first episode. The second I started watching it it seemed familiar. Then I realized it's about the book I once read. I loved that show even more than a book. So, I started watching the show every week when it aired in U.S.A. None of my friends even knew about this show. It took years before it finally aired in Estonia. But I was a true Gossip Girl fan from the very beginning. The very first episode aired in 2007 autumn. So, I have been watching it for 6 years and it feels something so close to my heart that I don't want to live without. It's just so normal to me to watch it every Tuesday evening. It's became apart of my life rutine. And it feels weird that it's over now. Yeah, Gossip Girl is over. The final episode of Gossip Girl aired last night in U.S.A. I finished watching it just a bit time ago. I am overwhelmed with emotions and feelings. This episode was amazing and it made me realize that all these characters from the show felt like a family to me. I know it sounds stupid, but I knew them so well and even tho they all had their faults they were still them... the show couldn't have been the same without them. I have got soooo much inspiration from Gossip Girl over the years.
In the end of the final episode there's a time laps - 5 years later. It made me realize how they have all grown up, gotten married, had children and moved on with their life (they began as teenagers in the show). So, I realized I have grown up with them. I have a fiance, I am in university, soon graduating. I have new dreams. I have a happy life and I can't ask for anything better.
Gossip Girl made me think of these thoughts. I am glad I stayed loyal to that show with all it's changes in all these years. For me it was always the same old Gossip Girl. I hope one day they decide to make more episodes of Gossip Girl...maybe a new generation. I will watch it for sure!!!

how toys are made in China

The other day I came across with news of how toys are made in China. A photographer named Michael Wolf made a show of the photos he took while visiting toy factories in China. These photos were so sad, so realistic and yet so bizarre. You buy your child a gift that may be made by the child the same old as your own. It's crazy how young workhands they use in China. And of course they get paid so little and working environment is horrible. The working hours are very long, so they sleep under their work table for few hours and keep working. You know what's the saddest? People throw away tons and tons of toys each year. The same toys these chinese have made without sleeping, without eating, in bad working envirionment for so little money..and all that for nothing. Children from U.S.A and Europe countries have no idea where their toys are come from and how they are made. I am not saying they should see that horrible picture of real life, but they should be taught how to appreciate their toys and how to take care of them so they don't break. I totally believe that children don't need as many toys as they are given each year - especially for Christmas. There are much more meaningful gifts that you could give to your child. I am not saying that child should grow up without toys, but there's a limit. I definitely think a child doesn't need 100 toys!!! Of course these are just my thoughts, but I felt I needed to share these. It's a peaceful and joyful holiday season. Gifts are given, but more importantly it's time to spend time with your family, the ones you love!
I found that article and I am copying here few photos that were taken at China's toy factories...

Donuts & luck

Here in Finland are so many delicious bakery goods. Such as little meat pies, Berliners and donuts. After Jay's work today we went to the city center to the mall. We ended up buying tortilla chips, salsa souce and different pies.

It's a movie night with tortilla chips and salsa!
Two different kind of donuts! Yummie!
I just have to mention how lucky I am this holiday season. First of all, lucky because I can share the holidays with the ones I love. Secondy, I have won three times on facebook in a week. For you who don't know, Estonian facebook sites like to make ad for their company's by doing giveaways. If there are anything good I mostly take part of them. I have won couple of times. Once I won two tickets to the fashion show, a pair of summer shoes, two sandwishes and maybe something more, cannot remember. And now I have one three more gifts, but I will blog about these when I have actually got them so I can also post photos of the gifts :) These are small things, but somehow they melt my heart and they make me happy :) It's nice to win and to get noticed :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

all good things

I'm in Finland. Jay and I arrived here yesterday. I didn't have time to blog these few days because I just didn't want to spend so much time on my laptop.
Jay and I went shopping on Friday evening. First we went out to have sushi for dinner. I wanted to give it another chance, but nope - I still don't like sushi and will probably never like it. But it's okay. After sushi I wanted somethin good because I was still hungry (that's because I didn't like and couldn't eat sushi!). So, I had frozen yogurt with hot blueberry soup for desert! It was delicious!!!!
I should have taken a photo before I started eating it, but I just couln't wait. So, here's a photo of half eaten frozen yogort.
Later we looked around shoppin center. I found a really nice dress that I liked, but they didn't have my size :(
Jay and I went to Lindex and Jay bought me my Christmas present from that shop. I asked him not to give it to me until Christmas Eve. So I must wait!
We also went for a walk in the Old Town. It was so pretty in Christmas lights! I also took few photos.
Elk Rudolf and Santa Claus :)

Lights everywhere!
We went to a another shipping center also and bought some more Christmas ornaments and lights for our Christmas tree! When we arrived home, we decorated our tree and it looked so pretty! We also cut the top of the tree, so the tree is a bit shorter now :P We are in Finland now and no-one is watering our Christmas tree. I feel so bad about it. We should have taken an artificial tree that needs no watering. If next year we are also a lot away from home during December and January, then we won't have a real Christmas tree. But I definitely want to find as real looking artificial tree as possible!!!
Our first Christmas tree!

When we went to the ship yesterday morning to go to Finland then we both felt so sick. We didn't get much sleep the night before and I seriously felt so weak. Jay decided to take a cabin so we could sleep few more hours. It was sooo good. He also bought me an hamburger because I hadn't eaten. After eating it I felt much much better! It was actually so good that we took the cabin because there was a storm in the sea and people weren't allowed to walk around because it was dangerous. The ship was really careening. It was much better to lay on the bed safly in our cabin.
When we arrived in Helsinki in Finland we took a tram to the railway station and then a train to Hyvinkää. The train ride whet quickly because we were talking the whole way. Before going home we decided to go to the foodshop to buy milk and cereals. We also decided to order kebab and fries with salad for dinner. So, I had pretty unhealthy food yesterday, but it's okay since most of the time I avoid junk food.
Oh, one more thing. We got Jay's favorite donuts from the foodshop! He wanted me to try one and I must admit it was veryyyy delicious :):)
Me eating Jay's favorite Berliner donut!
I am so happy to be with Jay in Finland. We watched about 5 episodes of Modern Family last night. I think this show is hilarious! I love it!!!! It's 11.50am right now and I have 2,5 hours till I go out to walk for Jay's work. He finishes his shift at 3pm. I guess I am going to watch some vlogmaes from youtube now :)