As I have mentioned I really like to watch youtube vlogs. Every year when it's Christmas time youtubers make Christmas tags and when it's Halloween they make Halloween tag. So, now it's New Years Eve and of course what better thing to do than "Best of 2012 tag". I decided to do that here on my blog also!
Basically I'll write different products or items that I have been loving throughout 2012 :)
1. Skincare product
Aloe Calming Facial Cleanser by The Body Shop
I use it every night before I go to bed to clean my face. It's very smooth and makes skin so soft AND clean of course :)
2. Eye product
The Clossal Volum Express mascara by Maybelline
I don't actually use much make-up at all. But at dark fall and winter time when my face is so pale I like to use a little bit of mascara. And I really love Maybelline The Clossal Volum Express Mascara!!!

3. Lip product
Pink Punch Baby Lips lippalm by Maybelline & Blistex Classic Lip Protector
I just couldn't choose one. I discovered Baby Lips lippalms this summer and Pink Punch is my absolute favorite! I ordered it from UK because they don't sell this product in Estonia.
But since in Estonia fall and winter are pretty cold then my lips need protection. This year my lips seem to be extra sensitive, so I have been using Blistex whenever I go out in the cold air.
4. Nail polish
Rimmel Lycra Pro Nail Polish - color Purple Addict
Rimmel is my favorite nail polish brand. Most of my nail polishes are by Rimmel. I have several purple tones because purple is my favorite color. This year my favorite has been colortone Purple Addict!
5. Body product
Passion fruit Body Butter by The Body Shop
I actually love all body butters by The Body Shop, but this is the one that I have been using this year mostly. I did use some other smaller ones too, but they ended and after that I have been using this one and it's my favorite so far. It smells so fresh! I add it to my legs and arms after shower and it really makes skin soooo smooth and silky!
6. Perfume
Wrapped With Love by Hilary Duff
I have both Hilary's perfumes and they are my all time favorite. Both of my perfumes are purcased last year because my others finished and you don't know how hard it was to find the new ones because they are pretty old perfumes. But yeah, I managed to find them both! Even though I love them ecually I have been using Wrapped With Love more than With Love this year. Maybe because Wrapped With Love is a true spring and summer scent, very light. But winter is still ahead and since With Love is more winter scent, I will probably be using With Love more in the beginning of 2013 ;)
7. Clothing Piece
I must say slippers because that's what I use everyday at home and I am quite obsessed with slippers. My floor is very cold in my apartment and that's why I need to wear slippers every day, plus they are just sooo cozy and warm! My favorite slippers in 2012 are actually my old ones. They got pretty wore out and I got a new pair. The old ones are now in Finland and I use them while I am at Jay's apartment. (I'll add a photo later)
8. Favorite TV show
Gossip Girl
Ohh yeaahh!!! This show is my absolute favorite! Every Tuesday evening I got so excited because I knew I can watch a new episode of Gossip Girl. I still cannot believe that the show is over. Sad :(
9. Favorite Movie
The Hunger Games
I thought pretty long about it and it's actually hard to choose one. Jay and I have been going to the cinema a lot and I can't even honestly remember right now all the movies we have seen this year, but The Hunger Games popped to my mind and I really loved this movie, so probably because I remember it so well it must have been one of my favorite movies this year. I also read The Hunger Games trilogy and I love that even more than the movie :)
10. Favorite book
One Hundred Names (by Cecelia Ahern)
First of all, Cecelia Ahern is my no 1 favorite author since I read PS!I love you about 5 years ago. Ever since I have purcased all her books. And when I heard that her new books is coming out I got so excited. I ordered it from UK. It was beyond amazing. The storyline was incredible. It has a good message like all ger books. I highly recommend it to anybody who likes to read about life :)
11. Food
Dessert of gingerbread and sweet cottage cheese (it's called Kohuke in Estonian)
It's so hard to choose a favorite food of a year because the year is so long and I usually have certain favorites each month or season. But if I think back of the year 2012 I think gingerbread kohuke was one thing I could have been eating all day long every day! It's actually on the shops only from mid November till mid January (holiday season), but I have been really eating it soooo much! It's my all time favorite dessert!
12. Beverage
Lipton Peppermind tea
It's nothing surprising or nothing special. I just love tea. Ever since I got my traveller mug I have been drinking tea even more. This year my favorite has been probably Lipron Peppermint tea. There was a certain period in my life when I didn't drink any Lipton teas. Maybe bacause I wanted to try out other tea brands, but now I have found my way back to Lipton. And peppermint has always been my all time favorite!!!
It was a year 2012 and here were my twelve favorites products, items ect.
I might be doing this kind of tag every month because I tend to have every month some certain favorites.
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