Oh, kui väsinud ma olen. Jalad valutavad, aga õnneks saan diivanil lösutada ja järjekordset Remontoijate osa vaadata :)
Täna ärkasin kl 8.00, tegin joogat ja siis läksin rongiga Helsingisse. Sain seal enda ema ja ta töökaaslastega kokku. Nendega koos külastasin üht Helsingi lasteaeda. Sealne lasteaia juhataja rääkis meile Soome lasteaedae süsteemist ja oma konkreetsest lasteaiast. Väga huvitav oli kuulata ja seda kõike Eesti lasteaedade õppesüsteemiga võrrelda. Kirjutan kindlasti millalgi pikemalt, mis mõtteid ja muljeid kuuldu minus tekitas ;)
//Oh, I am sooo tired. My feet hurt, but fortunately I can lay on the sofa and watch another episode of Australian Renovaters.
I woke up 8am today, did joga and went to Helsinki by train. I met my mom and her workmates there. We visited a kindergarten in Helsinki. The kindergarten's principle told us about the systems of Finnish kindergartens and also about their kindergarten. It was all very interesting and also very different from what we have in Estonia. I'll definitely write longer about it some other time (when I am not so tired :P)//
//Oh, I am sooo tired. My feet hurt, but fortunately I can lay on the sofa and watch another episode of Australian Renovaters.
I woke up 8am today, did joga and went to Helsinki by train. I met my mom and her workmates there. We visited a kindergarten in Helsinki. The kindergarten's principle told us about the systems of Finnish kindergartens and also about their kindergarten. It was all very interesting and also very different from what we have in Estonia. I'll definitely write longer about it some other time (when I am not so tired :P)//
Pärast lasteaia külastust käisime natuke niisama Helsingi peal ringi, tegin ka mõningaid pilte. Sealt edasi läksime sööma ja šoppama. Mina otsisin kingi, aga neid ma ei leidnudki. Lõpuks kui kõik poed olid läbi käidud, läksin tagasi rongile, et koju sõita. Isa oli oma oma võtmed tuppa unustanud ja ise välja läinud - jäi luku taha. Kuna minul on ka tema korteri võti, siis pidingi koju tagasi tulema, et isale võti anda.
Käisin ka CityMarketist läbi, kuna eile saime postiga mõned kupongid, mille viimane kasutamise kuupäev oli täna. Niisiis sain tasuta ühed küpsised ning veel 5 euro eest mida iganes :P Päris mõnna :)
//After visiting the kindergarten I we walked around Helsinki, took some photos, went to have lunch and then did some shopping. I was looking for shoes, but I didn't find the ones I wanted. So, finally I took a train back to Hyvinkää. My dad locked him out so I had to give him his apartment key so he can get home.
I also went to the CityMarket because I had some coupongs that were expiring today. So, I got free box of cookies and also free stuff in 5 euro value :) Pretty cool!//
//After visiting the kindergarten I we walked around Helsinki, took some photos, went to have lunch and then did some shopping. I was looking for shoes, but I didn't find the ones I wanted. So, finally I took a train back to Hyvinkää. My dad locked him out so I had to give him his apartment key so he can get home.
I also went to the CityMarket because I had some coupongs that were expiring today. So, I got free box of cookies and also free stuff in 5 euro value :) Pretty cool!//
Pärast vaatasime Johannesega Grown Ups 2. Nii naljakas film! Kusjuures, kui me koos päris esimest korda kinos käisime, siis vaatasime Grown Ups esimest osa. See oli 21.august 2010. Uskumatu, kui kiiresti aeg lendab :P
//Jay was waiting me at home. We talked and I made him dinner. I had quite heavy lunch in Helsinki in Chinese foodplace where there was a buffet in 8.90 euros. So, I got to eat as much as I wanted! This means I didn't want any heavy dinner anymore, instead I had my fav delicious foodsalad!
Then Jay and I watched Grown Ups 2. It's such a funny movie! I remember that the very first time when Jay and I went to the movies together we watched Grown Ups (first movie). It was on 21st August 2010. Time flies!//
Nüüd on Johannes juba teel tööle ning mina puhkan enda välja. Tänane päev oli kuidagi pikk, aga tegus ja tore :)
//Jay was waiting me at home. We talked and I made him dinner. I had quite heavy lunch in Helsinki in Chinese foodplace where there was a buffet in 8.90 euros. So, I got to eat as much as I wanted! This means I didn't want any heavy dinner anymore, instead I had my fav delicious foodsalad!
Then Jay and I watched Grown Ups 2. It's such a funny movie! I remember that the very first time when Jay and I went to the movies together we watched Grown Ups (first movie). It was on 21st August 2010. Time flies!//
Nüüd on Johannes juba teel tööle ning mina puhkan enda välja. Tänane päev oli kuidagi pikk, aga tegus ja tore :)
//Jay is on his way to work and I am just relaxing. It was a long, but fun day today!!!:)//